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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1625   View pdf image (33K)
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and expenditure of public money for a statement of his accounts,
as often as he or the Commissioners aforesaid may think neces-
sary. Also the Commissioners of Ellicott City shall cause such
official entrusted with the receipt and expenditure of public
money to, before the first day of July in each year, prepare a
statement showing the receipts of all moneys during the year
and the expenditure of same; and this statement shall be pub-
lished twice in a paper published in Ellicott City.

81-C. The said President shall see that the ordinances of the
said Commissioners are duly and faithfully executed and shall
report, on or before the first day of July in each year, to the
Commissioners of Ellicott City the general state of the City,
with an accurate account of the money received and expended.

81-D. The Commissioners of Ellicott City, by ordinance,
shall have the power to appoint such policemen as they shall
deem proper, not exceeding three, who shall have and exercise
within the limits of the city all the power commonly known as
the police power to the same extent as the police officers of the
State have or could exercise said power within said limits; and
the said officer or officers shall be compensated for their services
as the Commissioners of Ellicott City may determine by
ordinance, and shall hold office at the pleasure of said Com-

81-E. They may pass all ordinances necessary to regulate or
prevent the keeping of swine within the corporate limits of
Ellicott City, to tax, regulate, restrain or prevent the going at
large of dogs, and to provide for killing the same in default of
payment of such tax.

81-F. They may pass all ordinances necessary for the good
government and police of the city, and enforce the observance
of all ordinances by fines and penalties, not exceeding Twenty
($20.00) Dollars for any one offense.

81-G. No person, persons, company, companies, corporation
or corporations, railroad or railway company or companies shall
dig or open up any of said City's streets, lanes, alleys or avenues
for the purpose of laying any railroad or railway tracks, gas or
water pipes, or the planting of any telephone, telegraph or elec-
tric light poles without first receiving permission to do so from
the Commissioners of Ellicott City, said permission being by
ordinance passed at a regular meeting of said Commissioners.


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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1625   View pdf image (33K)
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