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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1624   View pdf image (33K)
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such sale shall not be set aside if the provisions of the law appear
to have been substantially complied with, and the burden of proof
shall be on the exceptant to show the same to be invalid; and for
the purpose of making a just distribution of the proceeds of any
sale ratified and confirmed, the said Court may pass all such
orders as may be just and equitable; and shall have as full and
complete jurisdiction as though it were sitting as a Court of

80. Whenever real estate shall be sold by the registrar, the
owner thereof prior to the sale, may redeem same by paying into
said Court to be paid to the purchaser thereof within the period
of twelve calendar months from the date of such sale the amount
of the purchase money, all subsequent taxes paid by the pur-
chaser, and all Court costs, with interest thereon, at the rate of
fifteen per centum per annum from the date of sale, and the date
of the payment of such taxes and costs respectively. After the
expiration of said period of twelve calendar months, provided
the property has not been redeemed and the sale finally ratified
and confirmed by the Court, the registrar then in office shall,
at the expense of the purchaser, by a good and sufficient deed
executed and acknowledged according to law, convey to the pur-
chaser or purchasers the parcel or parcels of land sold to them
respectively; and the deed of the successor in office of the regis-
trar who made the sale shall be valid in law as though it had
been executed and delivered by the said last named registrar.

81. The Commissioners of Ellicott City may purchase, in
their discretion, any property for sale for the payment of taxes,
provided they shall not bid a sum greater approximately than
the taxes in arrears on said property and the interest and ex-
penses of sale and costs, and may sell and convey or lease the
same, as in their judgment and discretion shall be deemed best
for the interests of the city.

81-A. They shall elect at their first meeting, after having
taken the oath of office, a registrar of said city, and shall fix
and ascertain by ordinance his duties and compensation. Said
registrar shall hold office at the pleasure of the said Commission-
ers of Ellicott City, and in case of a vacancy in the office of
registrar, by death or otherwise, the said Commissioners shall
elect some person to fill such vacancy, fixing and ascertaining by
ordinance his duties and compensation.

81-B. The President of the Commissioners of Ellicott City
may call upon any officer of the city entrusted with the receipt


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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1624   View pdf image (33K)
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