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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1626   View pdf image (33K)
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81-H. Any Justice of the Peace resident within the corporate
limits of said city, upon complaint made before him, of the vio-
lation of any ordinance of said city or corporation, shall issue
process in the name of the Commissioners of Ellicott City to re-
cover the fine or penalty imposed for the violation of such ordi-
nance against the party so offending, and may hear and deter-
mine the matter as in any case arising under the laws of the
State, and shall receive the same fees therefor.

81-1. The justice may, in default of payment of any fine or
penalty imposed by him for a violation of any ordinances of the
said corporation, commit the party fined to the Howard County
jail for a period not exceeding ten days; and the Sheriff of
Howard County shall receive and confine the party so committed
in the same manner as other prisoners, and shall be entitled to
the same compensation therefor to be paid by said corpora-

81-J. The Commissioners of Ellicott City, if they shall deem
it necessary, may appoint a counsel to the corporation, and may
allow him such compensation as they may think proper for his
services, not exceeding Fifty ($50.00) Dollars per annum.

81-K. The President may remit any fine or penalty imposed
under any ordinance of the Commissioners of Ellicott City.

81-L. It shall be the duty of the County Commissioners of
Howard County to pay over annually to the Commissioners of
Ellicott City one-half of the amount of taxes levied and collected
annually for road purposes by the said County Commissioners
upon the. assessable property, liable to taxation, within the cor-
porate limits of the town of Ellicott City. This amount shall
be arrived at by dividing the total amount of taxes levied for
County purposes into the total amount levied for road purposes,
which will give the per centage levied for road purposes. The
Commissioners of Ellicott City shall set this amount of money
aside as a special fund to be used for repairing, maintaining and
building roads, streets, avenues, lanes, alleys, sidewalks and
bridges within the corporate limits of Ellicott City; and, in the
discretion of said Commissioners, for the redemption of any
bonds hereafter issued on the credit of said city.

81-M. It shall be the duty of the registrar of Ellicott City to
deposit the funds of the Corporation of Ellicott City, growing
out of taxes levied by the Commissioners of Ellicott City,
licenses of every description, the road fund received from the


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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1626   View pdf image (33K)
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