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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1620   View pdf image (33K)
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pass all ordinances necessary for the good government of said

68. The Commissioners of Ellicott City may acquire by deed,
will or in any other manner any land lying within the corpo-
rate limits of Ellicott City for the purpose of creating a public
park or parks, and may appropriate such funds as they may, in
their discretion, deem proper for the laying out, construction
and permanent maintenance of such public park or parks.

69. Any person who shall wilfully or maliciously injure, dis-
figure or destroy any monument erected in any public park or
parks within the corporate limits of Ellicott City, or take and
carry away any growing tree therefrom, or destroy any vine,
plant, shrubbery, root, vegetable, or fencing shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor; and, after presentment and indict-
ment by the Grand Jury for Howard County, and conviction
thereof in the Circuit Court for Howard County, shall, in the
discretion of said Court, be imprisoned in the Maryland House
of Correction for a period not exceeding three years, or be fined
not more than One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars, or both fined
and imprisoned as aforesaid.

70. They may grade and pave streets and lay flagstones
across the same and require the owners of lots, in front of which
such grading and paving are to be done, to do the same at their
own expense. They may also contract for the lighting of the
avenues, streets, lanes and alleys of said city, either by elec-
tricity or otherwise, and they shall also have the authority to
contract with some responsible Company, Corporation, person
or persons for a water supply for said city, and may grant per
mission to any such Company, corporation, person or persons
to lay pipes in the bed of the avenues, streets, lanes, and alleys
of said city, at the expense and liability of said company, cor-
poration, person or persons for all damages to the avenues,
streets, lanes and alleys, persons, or private property done in
laying such pipes, provided that, no contract made in pursuance
of this Section shall be made to bind or be binding upon the
Commissioners of Ellicott City for a longer period than twelve

71. If any owner of any lot shall neglect to pave the side-
walk and street in front of the same for the space of two months
after notice to pave the same has been given by the President of
the Commissioners of Ellicott City, the Commissioners aforesaid
may direct their President to cause the same to be done, and the


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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1620   View pdf image (33K)
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