expense thereof shall be a lien on such lot and may be recovered
as other debts of like amount.
72. Whenever they think the public interests require it,
they may cause an assessment to be made of all the property in
said City liable or subject to assessment for County or State
taxes, and may prescribe the manner in which such assessment
shall be made, and provide for adjusting all differences in rela-
tion thereto, and do all other things necessary for making it.
73. The assessment of the taxable property within the limits
of the City, as made by the assessors of Howard County, shall
be the basis of taxation until the Commissioners of Ellicott City
shall determine and perfect a city assessment as provided for
in the preceding Section.
74. They may pass ordinances for the appointment of one
or more assessors, prescribing their duties, and providing a suit-
able compensation for them.
75. All assessments made under any City ordinance shall be
chargeable with the taxes levied for the use of the corporation,
and the Commissioners of Ellicott City may provide by ordi-
nance for the increase or abatement of any erroneous assessment.
76. They may provide by ordinance for the appointment of
one or more collectors of taxes, may prescribe their duties, and
the character and amount of bond which such collectors shall
give for the faithful performance of their duties; and may pro-
vide for the prompt payment of the tax herein authorized to be
levied; and for the enforcement by distress or otherwise of the
payment of the same.
77. The Commissioners of Ellicott City may levy, for general
purposes, a tax on the property assessed in said city not ex-
ceeding ten (10) cents on every one hundred dollars of the
assessed value thereof. Said levy shall be made by the Com-
missioners of Ellicott City on or before the first day of June
in each and every year; and said taxes shall be due and payable
fifteen days after the publication of the ordinance imposing the
same; and, if not paid when due, they shall bear interest at the
rate of six per centum per annum until the same are paid. As
there will be no Commissioners of Ellicott City on the first day
of June, in the year nineteen hundred and fourteen, it shall be
the duty of the present Mayor and City Council of Ellicott City
to levy said tax, as aforesaid, for the year nineteen hundred and