pair all necessary drains and sewers; and pass all necessary
regulations for the regulation, repair and preservation of the
same; to regulate party walls and partition fences; to provide
for the licensing and regulating the sweeping and burning of
chimneys and fixing the rates therefor; and to prescribe the
size of those to be built in the City; to establish and regulate
fire companies; to provide for the licensing, regulating or re-
straining theatrical or other public amusements within the said
City; to license hawkers, peddlers, travelling physicians, ven-
dors of patent medicines or other articles; to sink wells; to
make and regulate pumps, water pipes, hydrants, water plugs,
fountains, sewers, etc., in the streets, lanes and alleys of the said
City; and pass laws to protect the same; to impose and appro-
priate fines, penalties and forfeitures for the breach of their by-
laws or ordinances; to pass ordinances for the prevention and
extinguishment of fires; to purchase and keep in repair a fire
engine and apparatus, and to provide for the establishment of a
fire and water department; to pass ordinances for paving and
keeping in repair the streets, lanes and alleys of the said City;
to provide for the taking up, fining or committing to the How-
ard County Jail of all vagrants, drunken, loose or disorderly
persons, and such as have no visible means of support and live-
lihood ; and common disturbers of the peace that may be found
within the jurisdiction of the said City; to declare and adjudge
as nuisances any encroachments on the streets, lanes and alleys
of said City; and to cause the same to be removed at the expense
of the party offending; to restrain or prohibit the running at
large of horses, cows, sheep, goats or other animals; to direct in
what parts of the City buildings of wood shall not be erected,
and to regulate the construction of the same; to pass ordinances
for the preservation of order and securing property and persons
from violence; to establish a building line for the erection of
buildings on the streets, lanes and thoroughfares of said City;
to regulate the numbering of houses, lots, street and avenues,
and the naming of streets, avenues and public places; to regu-
late the use of sidewalks for the use of signs, sign posts, awn-
ings, posts, horsetroughs, telegraphs poles, telephone poles, elec-
tric light poles, telegraph, telephone and trolley wires; and to
impose an annual tax on each and every of said telegraph, tele-
phone and electric light poles, not exceeding one (1) dollar per
pole; to require the occupants of property within said city
limits to remove snow from the sidewalks in front of their re-
spective properties; to regulate the speed of automobiles and
other motor vehicles within said City limits; and generally to