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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1617   View pdf image (33K)
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ballots or tickets printed for that purpose, which shall consist of
as many complete tickets as shall be filed with the said judges
of election at least fifteen days prior to such election, each
ticket bearing some particular emblem and some designation
by name when filed. It shall be the duty of the judges of elec-
tion to cause to be inserted in a newspaper published in Elli-
cott City, at least ten days before the expiration of the time in
which to file tickets for the coming municipal election, a notice
stating where, when and at what time they will receive said
tickets aforementioned. It shall also be the duty of the judges of
election to prepare the ballots or tickets before the election, and
to cause at least one thousand (1,000) of said tickets or bal-
lots to be printed for every such election.

59. Immediately upon the closing of the polls and after the
counting of the ballots by the judges as aforesaid, the said
judges shall certify the result of such elections to the clerk of
the Circuit Court for Howard County, and the said judges shall
deposit with said clerk the book of registration and the returns
of election within three days after said election, and the said
clerk shall issue a proclamation of the result of such election
and insert a copy of said proclamation in some newspaper pub-
lished in said city within ten days from the day of the deposit
of the said returns with him; and the said Commissioners of
Ellicott City, elected as aforesaid, shall, within ten days after
the said publication of the copy of said proclamation, take and
subscribe the oath of office before the clerk of the Circuit Court
for Howard County.

60. The judges of election and each clerk of election shall
receive one dollar for his services; the officer of registration
shall receive three dollars per diem for his services; the Clerk
of the Circuit Court for Howard County shall receive one dollar
for issuing said proclamation; which expenses and all other ex-
penses attending any such election shall be paid by the Corpo-
ration of Ellicott City.

61. If, at any election, there shall be a tie between any per-
sons voted for, a special election shall be held within six weeks
after such election, for the purpose of deciding said tie; and
such special election shall be at such time as may be designated
by the President of the Commissioners of Ellicott City, and con-
ducted in such manner as is herein provided for elections as
heretofore mentioned in this Act. In case there should be a
vacancy or vacancies in the Board of Commissioners of Ellicott


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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1617   View pdf image (33K)
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