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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1616   View pdf image (33K)
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president of the Commissioners of Ellicott City, who shall be
elected in August, 1914, shall before the first day of February,
1918, appoint three judges of election with the same qualifica-
tions aforementioned in this Section, and these judges shall
have all the powers before mentioned in this Section, and shall
perform all the duties aforementioned in this Section. The
three judges appointed by the President of the Commission-
ers of Ellicott City shall hold office for four years from the
date of their appointment, or until their successors are duly ap-
pointed and qualified. It shall be the duty of the President of
the Commissioners of Ellicott City for the time being to ap-
point the three judges aforementioned before the first day of
each February preceding a municipal election; and these judges
shall hold office for the space and term of four years, or until
their successors are duly appointed and qualified.

56. The said judges of election shall take and subscribe to
the oaths of office within twenty days after their respective
appointments as aforesaid before any Justice of the Peace for
Howard County, which justice shall receive as compensation
for taking said oath the amount now allowed by law for the
taking of oaths before Justices of the Peace. In case of a
vacancy or vacancies among the judges of election mentioned as
aforesaid, by death or otherwise, after said fifth day of June,
1914, or after the first day of February in such years as afore-
said mentioned, said vacancy or vacancies shall at any time
thereafter be filled by appointment by the present Mayor of
Ellicott City for the year 1914; and by the President of the
Commissioners of Ellicott City thereafter. In case of vacancy
in the position of officer of registration, either after the said
fifth day of June, 1914, or after the first day of February in the
years aforementioned, for any cause whatsoever, this vacancy
shall be filled by the present Mayor of Ellicott City for the year
1914; and by the President of the Commissioners of Ellicott
City thereafter, by appointment in the manner aforesaid.

57. The Clerk of the Circuit Court for Howard County shall
deliver to the judges of election on the morning of the day of
said election said book of registration to be used at the polls of
election upon the receipting for the same by said judges.

58. The duties of judges of election, as heretofore named,
shall be the same as the duties of corresponding officers of election
for members of the General Assembly of Maryland, except as pro
vided by this Act; and said election shall be conducted by open


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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1616   View pdf image (33K)
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