said City. Said officer of registration shall, at said registration,
register all male citizens of said Ellicott City, applying for reg-
istration, who have attained the age of twenty-one years or
over, or who will have attained the age of twenty-one years be-
fore the day of election, and who have resided in Ellicott City
for six (6) months previous to the election for which the regis-
tration is being held, and who have never been convicted of any
infamous crime under the laws of the State of Maryland; and
no person not possessing the qualifications aforesaid shall be
registered as a qualified voter of Ellicott City, or entitled to
vote at municipal elections held therein; and any person so
duly registered, shall, while so duly registered, be qualified to
vote at any municipal election held in said City. At the sitting
to be held by said officer of registration on said third Tuesday
of March as aforesaid, he shall strike from said registration
books the names of all persons who have died, removed from
said Ellicott City or who have otherwise become disqualified to
vote at such municipal election.
54. Within two weeks after the closing of said book of reg-
istration, said officer of registration shall deposit with the Clerk
of the Circuit Court for Howard County said book of registra-
tion, which shall remain in the custody of said clerk, except as
hereinafter provided, until the week previous to the next sit-
ting of such officer of registration, when the same shall be de-
livered up to such officer of registration so designated by the
President of the Commissioners of Ellicott City as aforesaid,
upon the receipting by such officer to the clerk aforesaid for the
55. The present Mayor of Ellicott City shall, before the fifth
day of June, 1914, appoint three proper and competent persons,
resident voters of Ellicott City, judges of election, who shall
serve for the election to be held in August, 1914, and until their
successors are duly appointed and qualified. The said judges of
election shall have full power to appoint one or more clerks, if
necessary, who shall keep a record of the persons voting; said
judges of election, immediately upon the closing of the polls
for said election, shall proceed to count the ballots cast and
ascertain the result of said election; and the three (3) persons
receiving the greatest number of votes cast shall be declared
elected as the Commissioners of Ellicott City. And the three
Commissioners of Ellicott City so elected shall severally hold
their respective offices until the second Monday in June, 1918,
or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. The