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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1614   View pdf image (33K)
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said Ellicott City, officer of registration of Ellicott City, who
shall serve for the registration of 1914 only. Said officer of
registration shall qualify by taking the usual oath of office be-
fore a Justice of the Peace residing in Howard County, and
shall procure a registration book similar in all respects to the
registration books now in use under the registration laws of
Maryland; and all necessary blanks and stationery for conduct-
ing and having a complete registration of the voters of said
City. After the election of the Commissioners of Ellicott City,
in August, 1914, as provided for in this Act, the President of
said Commissioners for the time being, shall, before the first day
of February next preceding each municipal election, appoint
one person, a resident voter of said City, officer of registration
of Ellicott City, who shall hold office for four years from the
date of his appointment, or until his successor is duly appointed
and qualified. The said officer of registration shall qualify as
aforementioned in this Section, and shall also do all things nec-
essary for holding and conducting a complete registration and
revision of the voters of Ellicott City.

53. Said officer of registration shall open said book of regis-
tration, for the registration of 1914, at a place in said City to
be designated by the present Mayor and City Council, at twelve
o'clock noon, on the first Monday of July, 1914; and at the
same place and hour on the next two succeeding Mondays
thereafter; and keep the same open until eight o'clock in the
evening on each of said days, for the complete registration of
the voters of said City who possess the qualifications required
by this Act. For all registrations after 1914, the officer of reg-
istration then holding office shall open the said book of regis-
tration on the second Tuesday of March prior to any municipal
election and on the succeeding Tuesday of that month for the
revision of said lists of registration and for the registration of
new voters possessing the qualifications presented by this Act;
and shall keep said book open from twelve o'clock noon until
eight o'clock P. M., on each of said days. Said officer of regis-
tration shall give at least ten days' notice of the time and place
of said registration and revision by a notice inserted in a news-
paper published in Ellicott City and by handbills posted in at
least five prominent places in said City limits; and within two
weeks after the closing of said book on said last day of regis-
tration or revision, the said officer, of registration shall
cause an alphabetical list of the registered voters to be
published, to be posted in at least five prominent places in


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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1614   View pdf image (33K)
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