ated in Baltimore County, which portion so excepted shall no
longer be or constitute a part of Ellicott City.
51. The affairs of said corporation shall be managed by
three (3) Commissioners, who shall be owners of real estate
situated in said City and a resident voter thereof; and
an election for the said three (3) Commissioners of El-
licott City shall be held on the first Tuesday after the
first Monday of August, 1914, between the hours of twelve
o'clock noon and seven o'clock P. M., at such place in
said city as may be designated by the present Mayor of said
City. Notice of said election shall be given by inserting in a
newspaper published in Howard County, at least twice before
the date of said election, an advertisement setting forth the time
of the election, the place at which it will be held and the pur-
pose for which it will be held; and also by handbills to be
posted in at least five public places within the corporate limits
of Ellicott City, as now existing, at least two weeks before said
election, said handbills to state where said election is to be held,
when it is to be held and for what purpose it is to be held.
Said three (3) commissioners of Ellicott City elected on the
first Tuesday after the first Monday of August, 1914, as afore-
said, shall hold office until the second Monday of June, 1918, or
until their successors are duly elected and qualified. Beginning
with the first Tuesday after the first Monday of May, 1918, the
election for Commissioners of Ellicott City shall be held every
four years in the manner and form herein specified, that is the
next election for Commissioners of Ellicott City, after the elec-
tion in August, 1914, shall be held on the first Tuesday after
the first Monday in May, 1918, and then elections shall be held
every four years thereafter. The designation of the place of
election, after the Commissioners of Ellicott City have been
elected, shall be made by the President of the Commissioners of
Ellicott City, and notice of such election shall be published in
a newspaper published in Howard County at least twice before
the date of said election, said notice to contain the place of said
election, the time of same and the purpose for which it is to be
held, and also by the posting of handbills in five public places
within the corporate limits of Ellicott City, as now existing, at
least two weeks before said election, said handbills to set forth
the time, place and purpose of election; and the time of said
election shall be from 12 o'clock noon to 7 o 'clock P. M.
52. The present Mayor of Ellicott City shall, before the
fifth day of June, 1914, appoint one person, a resident voter of