tor, in the same manner as on the mortgagee's executor or ad-
ministrator. If an infant owns the mortgage, the notice may
be served as aforesaid on his guardian, and if a person non
compos mentis owns the same, the service may be made as afore-
said on said trustee or committee. If the tax is payable by a
corporation, the service may be made by delivering the notice
to the President of the Trustees or Directors, to the Secretary
or Treasurer, or to any Director or Trustee or to any agent of
the corporation in person, wherever found. If the principal
office of the corporation is not located in said County the ser-
vice may be made by posting one of the notices at the Court
House door in said County. The official or person who makes
the service shall retain one of the notices and he shall endorse
thereon, or on a paper attached thereto, a memorandum or re-
turn in which he shall state his proceedings in making the ser-
vice, and he shall .sign said memorandum and he shall without
delay file same in the office of the County Commissioners to be
returned with any report of sales, as soon as may be reasonably
practicable, after the expiration of one month from said service;
if the tax shall not be paid, the Treasurer of Dorchester County
may proceed to seize any real estate, leasehold property, or
personal property located in said County, of the party or par-
ties by whom the tax is payable, by making a written, type-
written or printed schedule of the property seized and by sign-
ing the same, and the making of such schedule shall be suffi-
cient as a seizure of the property. Having seized the aforesaid
property, or as much thereof as may be amply sufficient to
pay the tax and the costs and expenses of the proceedings, the
Treasurer of Dorchester County shall proceed to sell the same at
public sale to the highest bidder for cash, after giving at least
twenty days' previous notice of the time, place, manner and
terms of sale, by advertisement, inserted in some newspaper
published in Dorchester County. The real estate shall be sold
at the Court House door in said County, and personal proper-
ty may be sold wherever in said County the said Treasurer of
Dorchester County may appoint. If real estate be sold, the said
official shall report the sale to the Circuit Court for said County,
and similar proceedings shall be taken as to such sale, as are
directed by the provisions of the hereinbefore Sections of Ar-
ticle Ten of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Dorchester
County," sub-title "County Commissioners, County Treasurer
and Collectors," in regard to the sales of real estate for. taxes,
and the said real estate may be redeemed as provided in said
Sections. In all sales for taxes, the Treasurer of Dorchester