(17) To the bequest of two hundred dollars to the
Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the
Diocese of Easton, as Trustee for All Saints Parish, the
annual proceeds thereof to be devoted to the support of the
Rector of said Parish and for no other purpose as set forth in
the last will and testament of Margaret Zeigler, late of Talbot
County, deceased, bearing date February 9th, 1903, probated
September 13th, 1904, and duly recorded in the office of the
Register of Wills of Talbot County.
(18) To the following sundry gifts and bequests for the follow-
ing named religious sects, orders or denominations, as contained
in the last will and testament of Harriet A. Rinehart, late of
Frederick County, deceased, recorded in the office of the Regis-
ter of Wills of Frederick County in Liber SDT No. 1, folio
129; (a) To the bequest of a note of Nevin S. Burrier for one
thousand dollars, held by said Testatrix and secured as stated in
said will to the Board of Trustees of the Israel's Creek Metho-
dist Episcopal Church of Walkersville, Maryland; (b) to the
bequest of the sum of five hundred dollars to the Woman's
Christian Temperance Union of Walkersville, to be held in
trust by the Board of Trustees of the Israel's Creek Methodist
Episcopal Church-of Walkersville, Marj'land, and upon the
contingency that should the local Union of the Woman's Chris-
tian Temperance Union cease to exist, the interest or revenue
from said fund to be paid to the Treasurer of the City Council
of the Village of Walkersville for the uses and purposes set
forth in said will; (c) to the bequest of five hundred dollars
to the Ladies' Aid Society of the Israel's Creek Methodist Epis-
copal Church of Walkersville, Maryland, to be held in trust
by the Board of Trustees of the Israel's Creek Methodist Epis-
copal Church of Walkersville; (d) to the bequest of five hun-
dred dollars to the Board of Home Missionary and Church Ex-
tension Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church; (e) to the be-
quest of five hundred dollars to the Preachers' Aid Society of
the Baltimore Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal
Church; (f) to the bequest of one hundred dollars to the Board
of Trustees of the Israel's Creek Methodist Episcopal Church
Walkersville, Maryland, for the use and benefit of the Israel's
Creek graveyard, as therein set forth.
(19) To sundry devises and bequests contained in the last will
and testament of Sabina Harding, late of the State of Mary-
land, deceased, recorded in the office of the Register of Wills
of Baltimore City, in Wills Record HWJ No. 117, folio 50, etc.,
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