(a) to the sum of one hundred dollars to the Trustees of the
Orphans' Home commonly called the Dolaii Aid Society, at-
tached to St. Patrick's Catholic Church of Baltimore; (b) to
the sum of one hundred dollars to the Little Sisters of the Poor
in Baltimore; (c) to the sum of one hundred dollars to the
Oblate Sisters of Providence, commonly known as the Colored
Sisters of the Poor, Chase Street and Forrest Place, Baltimore;
(d) to the bequest of two hundred and fifty dollars to the most
Reverend James Cardinal Gibbons; (e) to the bequest of one
hundred dollars to St. Vincent's Male Orphan Asylum.
(20) To the deed from Lucy Ann Witler to the Most Rev-
erend James Cardinal Gibbons, Roman Catholic Archbishop of
Baltimore, for the time being, and his successors in the Archi-
episcopal See of Baltimore, according to the discipline and Gov-
ernment of the Roman Catholic Church, a corporation sole,
dated June 30th, 1913, and recorded among the Land Records
of Baltimore City in Liber SCL No. 2829, folio 582, etc.
(21) To the bequest, gift and devise to the Committee of the
Presbyterian Church at Manokin, in Somerset County, Mary-
land, as contained in the last will and testament of Sallie B.
U. Handy, dated November 16th, 1893, probated in the Or-
phans' Court of Somerset County, and recorded in the office
of the Register of Wills in Liber T. D. No. 21, folio 281, etc.
(22) To the bequest of two hundred dollars to the Reverend
John T. Whelan, as contained in the last will and testament
of Michael Eagan, late of Baltimore City, deceased, and re-
corded in the office of the Register of Wills of Baltimore City
in Wills Record HWJ No. 117, folio 172, etc.
(23) To the bequest of the following, gift, devise and bequest
of all the rest and residue of the estate of Sarah B. Martin,
deceased, of every kind, to the Little Sisters of the Poor and
the Oblate Sisters of Providence in equal parts, share and share
alike, as contained in the last will and testament of the said
Sarah E. Martin, deceased, said will being of record in the
office of the Register of Wills of Baltimore City in Wills Liber
HWJ No. 114, folio 332, etc.
(24) To the bequest of three hundred dollars to Union
Bridge Banking and Trust Company, a corporation of the State
of Maryland, and (b) to the bequest of one thousand dollars
to Union Bridge Banking and Trust Company, a corporation
of the State of Maryland, to hold and invest said sums of money,
and to pay over the income thereon when received, to sundry