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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1447   View pdf image (33K)
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16. Manufacture of furniture, interior woodwork, organs,
pianos, piano actions, canoes, small boats, coffins, wicker and
rattan ware, upholstering, manufacture of mattresses or bed

17. Planing mills, sash and door factories, manufacture of
wooden and corrugated paper boxes, cheese boxes, mouldings,
window and door, screens, window shades, carpet sweepers,
wooden toys, articles and wares or baskets.

18. Mining, reduction of ores and smelting, preparation
of metals or minerals.

19. Quarries; sand, shale, clay or gravel pits, lime kilns;
manufacture of brick, tile, terra-cotta, fire-profing, or paving
blocks, manufacture of calcium carbide, cement, asphalt or
paving material.

20. Manufacture of glass, glass products, glassware, porce-
laid or pottery.

21. Iron, steel or metal foundries; rolling mills; manufac-
ture of castings, forgings, heavy engines, locomotives, ma-
chinery, safes, anchors, cables, rails, shafting, wires, tubing,
pipes, sheet metal, boilers, furnaces, stoves, structural steel,
iron or metal.

22. Operation and repair of stationary engines and boilers,
not included in other paragraphs of this Section.

23. Manufacture of small castings or forgings, metal wares,
instruments, utensils and articles, hardware, nails, wire goods,
screens, bolts, metal beds, sanitary, water, gas or electric fix-
tures, light machines, typewriters, cash registers, adding ma-
chines, carriage mountings, bicycles, metal toys, tools, cutlery,
instruments, photographic cameras and supplies, sheet metal
products, buttons.

24. Manufacture of agricultural implements, threshing ma-
chines, traction engines, wagons, carriages, sleighs, vehicles, au-
tomobiles, motor trucks, toy wagons, sleighs or baby carriages.

25. Manufacture of explosive and dangerous chemicals, cor-
rosive acids or salts, ammonia, gasoline, petroleum, petroleum
products, celluloid, gas, charcoal, gun powder or ammunition.

26. Manufacture of paint, color, varnish, oil, japans, tur-
pentine, printing ink, printers' rollers, tar, tarred, pitched or
asphalted paper.


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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1447   View pdf image (33K)
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