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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1448   View pdf image (33K)
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27. Distilleries, breweries; manufacture of spirituous or
malt liquors, alcohol, wine, mineral water or soda waters.

28. Manufacture of drugs and chemicals, not specified in
paragraph 25, medicines, dyes, extracts, pharmaceutical or toilet
preparations, soaps, candles, perfumes, non-corrosive acids or
chemical preparations, fertilizers, including garbage disposal
plants; shoe-blacking or polish.

29. Milling; manufacture of cereals or cattle foods, ware-
housing; storage; operation of grain elevators.

30. Packing houses, abattoirs, manufacture or preparation
of meats or meat products or glue.

31. Tanneries.

32. Manufacture of leather goods and products, belting,
saddlery, harness, trunks, valises, boots, shoes, gloves, umbrellas,
rubber goods, rubber shoes, tubing, tires or hose.

33. Canning or preparation of fruit, vegetables, fish or food-
stuffs ; pickle factories and sugar refineries.

34. Bakeries, including manufacture of crackers and bis-
cuits, manufacture of confectionery, spices or condiments.

35. Manufacture of tobacco, cigars, cigarettes or tobacco

36. Manufacture of cordage, ropes, fibre, brooms or brushes;
manilla or hemp products.

37. Flax mills; manufacture of textiles or fabrics, spinning,
weaving and knitting manufactories; manufacture of yarn,
thread, hosiery, cloth, blankets, carpets, canvas, bags, shoddy
or felt.

38. Manufacture of men's or women's clothing, white wear,
shirts, collars, corsets, hats, caps, furs or robes.

39. Power laundries; dyeing, cleaning or bleaching.

40. Printing, photo-engraving, stereotyping, electrotyping,
lithographing, embossing; manufacture of stationery, paper,
cardboard boxes, bags, or wall paper; and book-binding.

41. The operation, otherwise than on tracks, on streets,
highways, or elsewhere of cars, trucks, wagons or other vehicles,
and rollers and engines, propelled by steam, gas, gasoline,
electric, mechanical or other power.


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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1448   View pdf image (33K)
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