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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1446   View pdf image (33K)
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connection with it when operated, constructed or repaired by
the company which owns or operates the railway.

4. The operation, including construction and repair, of car
shops, machine shops, steam and power plants, not included in
paragraph 3.

5. The operation, including construction and repair, of
telephone lines and wires for the purposes of the business of a
telephone company, or used or to be used in connection with its
business, when constructed or operated by the company.

6. The operation, including construction and repair, of tele-
graph lines and wires for the purposes of the business of a tele-
graph company, or used or to be used in connection with its
business, when constructed or operated by the company.

7. Construction of telegraph and telephone lines not in-
cluded in paragraphs 5 and 6.

8. The operation, within or without the state, including re-
pair, of vessels other than vessels of other states or countries
used in interstate or foreign commerce, when operated or re-
paired by the company.

9. Shipbuilding, including construction and repair in a ship
yard or elsewhere, not included in paragraph 8.

10. Longshore work, including the loading or unloading of
cargoes or parts of cargoes of grain, coal, ore, freight, general
merchandise, lumber or other products or materials, or moving
or handling the same on any dock, platform or place, or in any
warehouse or other place of storage.

11. Subaqueous or caisson construction and pile driving.

12. Construction, installation or operation of electric light
and electric power lines, dynamos or appliances and power
transmission lines.

13. Paving, sewer and subway construction, work under
compressed air, excavation, tunneling and shaft sinking, well
digging, laying and repair of underground pipes, cables and
wires, not included in paragraph 5 of this section.

14. Lumbering, logging, river-driving, rafting, booming, saw
mills, shingle mills, lath mills, manufacture of veneer and of
excelsior, manufacture of staves, spokes or headings.

15. Pulp and paper mills.


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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1446   View pdf image (33K)
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