through one of the methods of assurance of payment, men-
tioned in the second paragraph of this Section of this Act, or
fails to furnish satisfactory proof to the Commission of his
financial ability to pay such compensation himself, or give bond
or deposit securities as aforesaid, shall, at any time after No-
vember first, nineteen hundred and fourteen, be compelled by
the Commission to insure to his employes and their depend-
ents the payment of the compensation, specified in this Act, by
paying to the State Treasurer for the use and benefit of the
State Accident Fund, hereinafter authorized to be established,
the premiums or taxes levied and published by the Commission
for the group of employments, industries or works to which
such employer belongs. And any such employer who fails or re-
fuses to so insure within ten days, after being ordered by the
Commission to do so, shall be liable to the State in an amount
equal to the premiums or taxes required of him for six months'
insurance in the State Accident Fund, as a penalty, which, to-
gether with his premium or tax due the State Accident Fund
for the first six months, may be collected by the Commission in
the same manner and with the same effect as provided in Sec-
tion 22 of this Act for the collection of premiums or taxes in
In exercising the discretion conferred upon it by this Section
and Section 14 of this Act, the State Industrial Accident Com-
mission shall consider the reputation of any insurance company
or association, in which any such employer may desire to in-
sure, for promptness and fairness in the settlement of compen-
sation claims, without unreasonable resistance on the part of any-
such insurance company or association, and shall also consider
the financial strength of the employer, the number of employes
employed, the degree of hazard to employes engaged in the em-
ployment, the likelihood or danger of several employes being
injured or killed by one and the same accident, the relative influ-
ence, the different methods, by which compensation may be as-
sured under this Act, are likely to exert upon the employer and
his employes for the prevention of accidents, and any other
facts or conditions bearing upon the security and promptness of
payment of the compensation and the prevention of accidents.
SEC. 16. The State Industrial Accident Commission is hereby
authorized and directed to create and establish a fund to be
known as the "State Accident Fund," for the purpose of in-
suring employers against liability under this Act and to their
employes and their dependents the payment of the compensa-