tion specified in this Act. Such fund shall consist of all pre-
miums or taxes received and paid into the fund and of property
and securities acquired and interest earned through the use
of moneys belonging to the fund. Said fund shall be admin-
istered by the Commission without liability on the part of the
State or the custodian thereof beyond the amount of such fund,
and shall be applicable to the payment of losses sustained on
account of insurance and to the payment of expenses in the
manner provided in this Act.
SEC. 17. For the purpose of creating such State Accident Fund
each employer insured in this fund or required to be insured
therein by this Act shall pay into the State Treasury the pre-
miums of liability based upon and being such percentage of
the payroll of such employer, as may have been determined
and published by the Commission and be then in effect. The
premiums shall be paid quarterly, and shall be the prescribed
percentage of the total wages paid to all employes subject to
the Act for such preceding quarter. The State Treasurer shall
issue his receipt for any sums paid him hereunder in duplicate,
the original to be delivered to the person, firm or corporation
or other employer paying the same and the duplicate to be
filed with the Commission; provided, however, that in order to
create a fund available upon the application of this Act as
aforesaid on November first, one thousand nine hundred and
fourteen, the payment for the months of November, one thou-
sand nine hundred and fourteen, to February, inclusive, one
thousand nine hundred and fifteen, shall be made on or be-
fore November first, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen,
and be preliminarily based upon the payroll of the operations
of the first four months of the year one thousand nine hundred
and fourteen. If any employer be found to have overpaid for
such four months he may deduct such overpayment from the
second quarterly payment made to the fund; if any employer
be found to have underpaid for such four months, he shall
pay the deficiency with the first quarterly payment made by
him after the end of said four months.
SEC. 18. If a single establishment of work insured in the
State Accident Fund comprises several occupations listed in
Section 32 of this Act, the premium shall be computed accord-
ing to the payroll of each occupation, if clearly separable;
otherwise an average rate of premium shall be charged for the
entire establishment, taking into consideration the number of
employes and the relative hazards. In computing the payroll