times as the Commission may deem necessary or advisable and
may examine such employer under oath or make such other ex-
amination of his business as the Commission may determine.
If he should fail to furnish such satisfactory proof, or give
bond, or deposit such securities as required by the Commission,
or if he should at any time fail to render satisfactory reports
to the Commission or otherwise satisfy the Commission of his
continued financial ability to pay the compensation himself, he
shall be subject to the provisions of the first paragraph of this
section of this Act and shall be required by the Commission to
insure as provided in the first paragraph of said this Section,
unless he, at once insure voluntarily as provided in the second
paragraph of this section.
Any employer, subject to the provisions of this Act, who,
after November first, nineteen hundred and fourteen, fails or
refuses to submit to said Commission, as provided in the next
succeeding paragraphs, the method he desired to adopt for as-
suring compensation, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall
be subject to a fine of not less than five hundred nor more than
five thousand dollars. The Court may, in its discretion, remit
any such penalty, provided the employer in default asssures
the compensation as provided in this section.
Any such employer who may wish to adopt any one of the
methods mentioned in the preceding paragraphs for assuring
the payment of compensation to his employes and their depend-
ents, shall first submit to the State Industrial Accident Commis-
sion the method he wishes to adopt. The said Commission may
approve or reject the method proposed. If rejected, the em-
ployer may submit another method authorized under this Act.
The said Commission may from time to time revise or alter its
decision in, approving the election of any employer to adopt
any one of the methods of assuring payment of the compensa-
tion as provided for in this Act, if such action is reasonably
necessary to secure and safeguard such payments to employes
or for the diminishing and prevention of accidents. Any de-
cision of said Commission under this section or Section 14 of
this Act may be reviewed by writ of certiorari in the Circuit
Court for the county in which the employer may reside or in
any of the Common Law Courts of Baltimore City, if the em-
ployer resides in Baltemore City.
Any employer subject to the provisions of this Act, who fails
or refuses to insure voluntarily the payment of the compensa-
tion specified in this Act to his employes and their dependents