SEC. 2. A majority of the Commission shall constitute a
quorum for the transaction of business, and a vacancy shall not
impair the right of the remaining members to exercise all the
powers of the full Commission, so long as a majority remains.
Any investigation, inquiry or hearing which the Commission is
authorized to hold, or undertake, may be held or undertaken
by or before any one member of the Commission, and every or-
der made by a member thereof, when approved and confirmed
by a majority of the members and so shown on its record of pro-
ceedings, shall be deemed to be the order of the Commission.
SEC. 3. The salary of each of the Commissioners shall be
three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) per annum, and shall be
paid out of the State Treasury, and in adddition to the said
sum of $3,000 per annum, each of said Commissioners shall also
receive the sum of $2,000 per annum which shall be paid out of
its funds by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore to each
of said Commissioners as employes of said municipal corpora-
tion. In addition to the salary provided in this Section, each
Commissioner shall be allowed his actual and necessary travel-
ing and incidental expenses.
SEC. 4. The Commission shall be in continuous session and
open for the transaction of business during all business hours
of each and every day, excepting Sundays and legal holidays.
All sessions shall be open to the public, and shall stand and be
adjourned without further notice thereof on its record. All
proceedings of the Commission shall be shown on its record of
proceedings, which shall be a public record, and shall contain a
record of each case considered and the award paid or allowed
to any employe of the Commission, or to any other person for
services. Provided, however, that any person in the employ of
the Commission who shall divulge any information secured by
him in respect to the transactions, property or business of any
person, firm, company or corporation, association or joint part-
nership to any person other than the members of the Commis-
sion, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and subject to a fine of
not less than $100 or more than $500 or imprisonment, not ex-
ceeding 18 months in the discretion of the Court, and shall
thereafter be disqualified from holding any appointment or em-
ployment with the Commission.
SEC. 5. The Commission may employ a secretary, actuaries,
accountants, inspectors, examiners, experts, clerks, steno-
graphers and other assistants, and fix their compensation sub-
ject to the written approval of the Governor; such compensation