shall be paid out of the appropriation in the State Treasury pro-
vided for in this Act. The secretary, actuaries, accountants,
inspectors, examiners, experts, clerks, stenographers and other
assistants that may be employed shall be entitled to receive their
actual necessary expenses while traveling on the business of the
Commission. Such expenses shall be itemized and sworn to by
the person who incurred the expense, and allowed by the Com-
mission. The Commission shall keep and maintain its main
office and such branch offices as it shall deem proper and neces-
sary for the administration of the Act, and shall provide suit-
able rooms, necessary office furniture, supplies, books, periodi-
cals and maps for the same. All necessary expenses shall be
audited and paid out of the appropriation in the State Treas-
ury provided for in this Act. It shall provide itself with a seal
for the authentication of its orders, awards and proceedings,
upon which shall be inscribed the words "State Industrial Ac-
cident Commission, State of Maryland—Official Seal."
Each member of the Commission and each person appointed
to office or employment by the Commission shall before enter-
ing upon the duties of his office or employment take and sub-
scribe the constitutional oath of office.
SEC. 6. The Secretary of the Commission shall keep and
maintain a full and true record of all proceedings of the Com-
mission, of all documents or papers ordered filed by the Com-
mission or by its rules, of decisions or orders made by any mem-
ber of the Commission and of all decisions or orders made by the
Commission or approved and confirmed by it and ordered filed,
and he shall be responsible to the Commission for the safe cus-
tody and preservation of all such documents at its office. He
shall have the power to administer oaths in all parts of the
State, so far as the exercise of such power is properly incident
to the performance of his duty or that of the Commission. He
may designate, from time to time with the approval of the Com-
mission, one of the clerks of the office appointed by the Com-
mission to exercise the powers and duties of the secretary dur-
ing his absence. Under the direction of the Commission, the
secretary shall have general charge of its office, superintend its
clerical business and perform such other duties as the Commis-
sion may prescribe.
SEC. 7. Each member of the Commission, the Secretary
thereof, and any special examiner or inspector shall for the
purpose contemplated by this Act have power to issue sub-
poenas, compel the attendance of witnesses, administer oaths,