Whereas, The common law system governing the remedy of
workmen against employers for injuries received in extra-haz-
ardous work is inconsistent with modern industrial conditions;
and injuries in such work, formerly occasional, have now be-
come frequent and inevitable.
Now, Therefore, The State of Maryland, exercising herein its
police and sovereign power, declares that all phases of extra-
hazardous employments be, and they are hereby withdrawn from
private controversy, and sure and certain relief for workmen
injured in extra-hazardous employments and their families and
dependents are hereby provided for, regardless of questions of
fault and to the exclusion of every other remedy, except as pro-
vided in this Act.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That a Commission is hereby created which shall be
known as the State Industrial Accident Commission, to be com-
posed of three Commissioners. Immediately upon the. taking
effect of this Act, the Governor shall appoint such Commission-
ers (not more than two of whom shall belong to the same politi-
cal party). One of them shall hold office for the first two years,
another for the first four years, and another for the first six
years following the passage and approval of this Act. There-
after the term shall be six years. Each Commissioner shall de-
vote his entire time to the duties of the office, and shall not hold
any position of trust or engage in any occupation or business-
interfering or inconsistent with his duties as such Commis-
sioner, or serve on or under any committee of a political party.
Each Commissioner shall hold office until his successor shall be
appointed and shall have qualified. Vacancies shall be filled by
the Governor for the unexpired term. A decision on any ques-
tion arising under this Act concurred in by two of the Commis-
sioners shall be the decision of the Commission. The Governor
may at any time remove any Commissioner from office for in-
efficiency, neglect of duty or malfeasance in office. Before such
removal he shall give such Commissioner a copy of the charges
against him and shall fix a time when he can be heard in his own
defense, either in person or by counsel, which shall not be less
than ten days thereafter, and such hearing shall be open to the
public. The Governor shall designate a member of said Com-
mission as Chairman thereof. The principal office of the Com-
mission shall be in the City of Baltimore, but branch offices may
be established at other places in the State for the purpose of ad-
ministering this Act.