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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1419   View pdf image (33K)
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provided, however, that the price of it shall not exceed a sum in
the same proportion to the cost of such system or part thereof
as the area within the property of said individual, corporation
or municipality contributing to such system or part thereof bears
to the entire area in the sewerage district or area that will con-
tribute to the said system or part thereof, through its incorpora-
tion with the County system. In case of failure to agree as to
price the system or parts thereof may be acquired by condemna-
tion proceedings under the general laws of the State. No part
of the cost of said system, or parts thereof, as acquired, shall be
charged by the Commission against the taxpayers within the
limits of the property of said individual, corporation, or

The said Commission may require the system or parts there-
of of said individual, corporation, or municipality, to be con-
nected to the County system, and shall prescribe the annual
charge or tax to be paid for such connection, which sum shall be
applied toward the payment of the interest and principal of sew-
erage and drainage bonds issued for the construction of connect-
ing sewers. The said Commission shall also fix a maintenance
tax or rental to be charged against all individuals, thereby ad-
mitted to use of the County system. Before any existing sys-
tems or parts thereof are connected with the County system, the
owners of said systems or parts thereof shall be required to
make such changes in or repairs to them as the said Commission
may deem necessary to put them in proper shape for connection.

SEC. 529-J. And be it further enacted, That if the return of
the Board of Supervisors of Election, to the Board of County
Commissioners, shows a majority of votes in favor of said bond
issue, then the County Commissioners shall issue said bonds, and
all other bonds issued for the purposes of this Act in such de-
nominations as they deem best, and offer all such bonds in the
open market for cash, to the highest bidder, by sealed proposal,
after advertisement in the County papers, a paper in Washing-
ton City and one in Baltimore City, at least once a week, for a
period of four weeks.

The bonds shall be known as Prince George's County Sewer-
age and Drainage Bonds. They shall be non-contestable for any
cause and exempt from all taxation, and shall bear interest, not
to exceed five per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually. They
shall run for a period not exceeding twenty-five years, and shall
be signed by the President of the County Commissioners of said


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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1419   View pdf image (33K)
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