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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1418   View pdf image (33K)
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ever, or the amount raised thereby is insufficient, and such de-
lay is dangerous to public health and convenience, the said Com-
mission is hereby authorized to borrow on the credit of said
County, an amount sufficient to make up such deficiency, and
shall issue as an evidence of such debt, Sewerage and Drainage
Bonds in the manner and form as provided herein for bond
issues after favorable referendum; provided, however, that the
amount of bonds so issued shall not exceed the estimated cost
of the work to be undertaken.

Upon the collection of the money so assessed, or part thereof,
and the issue and sale of bonds so authorized, the said Commis-
sion shall at once proceed to construct and establish such sewer-
age and drainage system.

529-H. And be it further enacted, That it may be lawful in-
stead of following the methods provided in Section 529-G that
where any owner, or group of owners of real property, or cor-
poration owning real property, or municipality, located in any
sewerage district or area, shall petition the said Commission, in
writing, to construct and establish a sewerage system or part
thereof to serve such locality, the said Commission shall, if it be
found practical, proceed to construct and establish the same,
provided the cost of construction, operation and maintenance of
said system or said part of a system be borne by the petitioners.
The system or part of a system so built shall be maintained and
operated under the rules and regulations of the Commission but
shall remain the property of the petitioners, unless incorporated
in the County system, as provided in this Act, in which case the
petitioners and all using said system or parts thereof, shall be
subject to such reasonable annual maintenance, tax, or rental,
as the Commission may fix.

529-I. And be it further enacted, That it may be lawful in-
stead of following the methods provided in Sections 529-F,
529-G or 529-H, that where any individual, corporation or muni-
cipality, has at the time of the passage of this Act or may here-
after install a complete or partially complete system of sewerage
or drainage, and it is found that said private or municipal sys-
tem or part thereof can be incorporated into part of the County
systems, so as to serve other persons or property in the same
district or area, but beyond the limits of the property of said
person, corporation or municipality, the said Commission may,
after investigation, purchase said system or parts thereof under
agreement with the said individual, corporation or municipality,


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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1418   View pdf image (33K)
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