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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1420   View pdf image (33K)
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County, and countersigned by the Clerk of the said Board with
the Corporation Seal of said Board of County Commissioners
affixed, and shall contain a distinct reference to the Sewerage
and Drainage district or area for which issued.

The bonds issued under this Act, shall be a first lien upon all
land and improvements thereon, within the said district or area,
subject only to the lien for regularly levied State and County
taxes, and regularly levied municipal taxes where levied against
land within an incorporated municipality, existing at the date
of said bonds.

SEC. 529-K. And be it further enacted, That all moneys re-
ceived from the sales of Sewerage and Drainage Bonds by the
County Commissioners, shall, after the expenses incident to sur-
veys, election, and advertisement are deducted, be deposited as
a separate account in the responsible bank or banks or financial
institution or institutions offering the best interest investment,
for such period as the entire amount or part of the entire amount
of the net proceeds of said bond sale shall be on deposit.

All moneys received through the levying of Sewerage and
Drainage taxes and from other sources, through the operation
of this Act, except from sale of bonds, shall be deposited by the
County Treasurer, as a separate account, in some bank or finan-
cial institution, of recognized standing, offering the best interest
investment, provided, however, that said Commissioners may use
any of said funds, except that raised by maintenance charges or
rentals, for the purchase and cancellation of bonds issued under
this Act, or for the purchase on account of a sinking fund, of
municipal or State Bonds, the income from which, on a basis of
purchase price, shall at least be equal to the income from the
same amount on deposit at the maximum rate of interest ob-

SEC. 529-L. And be it further enacted, That upon the sale of
the bonds provided for under this Act, the said Commissioners
shall advertise for sealed bids, on equal terms to all bidders, for
the construction of all or that part of the sewerage or drainage
systems, for which the bonds were issued. The bids shall be re-
ceived upon such condition and in such manner as they deem
proper, and they shall award the contract or contracts, to the
lowest responsible bidder, or may reject any, or all bids in their
discretion, or may build any or all parts of the work so planned,
in any other way advisable, provided, however, that no change
be made effecting the efficiency or capacity of the system and


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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1420   View pdf image (33K)
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