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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1417   View pdf image (33K)
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proceedings, or return the same to the examiners for altera-
tions, re-corrections or amendments; provided, however, that
said return or report, after having been altered, modified or
amended as aforesaid, either by the said Commission or ex-
aminers, shall not be finally ratified and confirmed until after
the expiration of ten days from the date of such change and
an opportunity given the parties interested to be heard on
such change; and provided, further, that the said Commission
or examiners shall not make any change which requires such
system or parts thereof, or right to be condemned, to pass
through or along or injuriously affect the property of any
person not originally notified of the proceedings, or whose
name did not appear in such original advertisement, without
giving such person at least five days' notice of such intended
change and an opportunity to be heard thereon, or unless such
person shall waive such notice. Any person interested may
appeal to the Circuit Court for Prince George's County from
the final order of ratification or rejection of such report or
award by the said Commission, the parties to such appeal to
be arranged in the record of proceedings as their actual inter-
est may require, said appeal to be taken within the time and
subject to the provisions hereinafter contained. If after any
of the proceedings aforesaid it shall be finally determined that
private or corporate property or any interest therein is to be
taken for public purposes, then the entire cost thereof and all
damages to be paid to persons or corporations found to be
damaged by such taking or use shall be deemed due and pay-
able by the County Commissioners, and all benefits found
due from the persons or corporations against whom the same
were assessed as aforesaid shall be due and payable to the
County Commissioners, and such assessment or award shall be
considered a tax and lien upon the property real and personal,
of the person or corporation so assessed, to the same extent
and as fully as the State and County taxes, and subject to the
same limitations to time, if not paid within thirty days of the
final order of ratification of such award or return, and may be
collected by the Treasurer of the County by an action of debt
or in the same manner as taxes are ordinarily collected, or by a
bill in equity at the instance of the Treasurer for the enforce-
ment of such lien.

When the construction and establishment of a sewerage and
drainage system authorized under the taxpayers' petition, as
above provided, shall be delayed through the fact that the in-
dividual assessments remain, uncollected from any cause what-


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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1417   View pdf image (33K)
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