the public health and convenience require the construction and
maintenance of the proposed system, and if they decide that the
proposed system is necessary for the public health and con-
venience they shall appoint three capable and upright citizens
of Prince George's County, not residing in the district or area
to be served by the proposed system and not owning property
therein, to be known as Sewerage and Drainage Examiners, who
shall investigate and determine the probable cost of construct-
ing and establishing such systems and the amount to which
each property owner or other person residing in said district
or area is benefited or damaged thereby, and they shall return
such estimate or probable cost, damage, and benefit to the said
Commission. The said Commission shall thereupon assess the
cost of constructing and establishing the proposed system upon
the persons who are interested in proportion to the amount to
which they are damaged or benefited thereby. The said Com-
mission shall then cause notice to be given to all persons as-
sessed of the amount of assessments respectively so made on
them by said Commission, by publication once a week for a
period of two consecutive weeks in the newspapers published in
Prince George's County. Such notice shall state the date upon
which objections to said assessments of benefits and damages
will be heard, such date to be not less than twenty days from the
date of the return of the Examiners, and copies of said advertise-
ment shall be served upon the persons interested. If they can-
not be found or if taxpayers residing without the County,
notices shall be mailed to them at their last known address as
shown by the tax books, and the property conspicuously posted
by the Sheriff of said County, who shall thereupon return to
said Commission the time and manner of such services for which
services and return he shall be allowed the fee paid for services
and return of writ of summons.
If any person or body corporate or taxpayer of any district
or area interested in the establishment or maintenance Of a
sewerage or drainage system shall feel aggrieved by the award,
report or return of said examiners he, she or it shall file ob-
jections thereto in writing with the said Commission on or be-
fore the date fixed by the notice last aforesaid for the hearing
of such objections, and the said Commission, on the day so
fixed for said hearing, shall proceed to consider the award,
return and proceedings of the examiners and all the proceed-
ings in the case, and they may modify or confirm, reject, re-
verse, alter, amend or correct the award, return of report or