membej bears to the total number of meetings held within any
The Clerk of said Board shall act as Secretary of the said
Commission. He shall keep in a suitable book, a permanent
record of the proceedings of the Commission and the title of
said volume shall be "Proceedings of the Board of County
Commissioners" with the sub-title ''Sewerage and Drainage."
The Commission shall also cause to be kept by the Treasurer of
the County, an accurate itemized account of all moneys re-
ceived, and expenditures made in fulfilling the purposes and
intents of this Act. The title of said volume shall be "Fiscal
Report of the Board of County Commissioners" with the sub-
title "Sewerage and Drainage." The above volumes and all
other records of the Commission are hereby made a part of the
official records of Prince George's County and are to be accesvsi-
ble to the taxpayers of the said County on request. The Public
Health Officer of said County shall act as a Sanitary Inspector
for said Commission. He shall render to it, and to the State
Board of Health at such times, in such manner, and in such form
as each may prescribe, reports on the conditions affecting the
public health in said. County. The compensation allowed the
Public Health Officer for the performance of such additional
duties as this Act necessitates shall not exceed the sum of six
hundred dollars per annum.
SEC. 529-B. And be it further enacted, That the Sewerage
and Drainage Commission of Prince George's County shall be
charged with the duty of projecting, constructing and establish-
ing or maintaining, by contract or otherwise, alone or in co-
operation with second parties, within or without said County,
sewerage and drainages systems, whenever in their opinion the
public health, welfare or convenience of said County so requires.
The said Commission shall have full power and authority and
in the same is hereby expressly delegated to them, to provide,
pass and adopt reasonable rules, orders, regulations for the use,
proper maintenance, preservation, repair, improvement, protec-
tion, examination and inspection of such systems. All such rules,
orders, and regulations shall be recorded in a volume entitled
"Rules and Regulations of the Board of County Commissioners
of Sewerage and Drainage," and when signed by the said Com-
mission and attested by its Secretary, and sealed with the seal
of the Board of County Commissioners of Prince George's
County, shall be lawful, and have the full force and effect of>