law, provided however, that all such rules and regulations, effect-
ing the Sanitary efficiency of said systems be approved by the
State Board of Health. Any person violating the provisions
of any such rule, order or regulation, shall be deemed guilty
of a misdemeanor and shall be subject to a fine of not less than
five nor more than one hundred dollars, to be enforced and
collected, as other fines are enforced and collected under the
laws of the State.
SEC. 529-C. And be it further enacted, That the power to
establish sewerage or drainage systems in and for said County
or parts thereof so delegated to the Sewerage and Drainage
Commission shall include the power to do all things which may
be necessary or incident thereto, among which shall be the fol-
lowing :
(a) The power to limit or define the boundaries or extent of
sewerage or drainage districts or areas.
(b) The power to make all such preliminary work as should
be in the opinion of the Commission precede the actual projec-
tion, construction or establishment, by themselves, or any indi-
vidual, corporation or municipality, of any sewerage or drain-
age system in Prince George's County.
(c) The power to project, construct, adopt and maintain any
such system or systems of sewerage or drainage or parts thereof,
as it may deem best calculated, to promote and preserve the
public health and welfare, including the power and authority
to include in such systems, whether separate or combined, pro-
visions for the collection and disposal of storm, ground or sur-
face water.
(d) The power to create or use, or cause to be created and
used, all such instrumentalities and means within said Prince
George's County, or in conjunction with the proper authorities
thereof of any adjacent County of the State, including such
submerged as well as other lands, as it may deem necessary and
expedient for carrying any system or systems of sewerage or
drainage, projected and adopted, into full effect and operation.
And the said Commissioner is hereby specifically empowered to
construct and maintain without compensation to the State any
part of a system or systems of sewerage or drainage or of its
works or appurtenances or of their works or appurtenances,
over or upon any land covered by the navigable waters of this
State, the title to which is held by the State, and if the same be