the bottom strand of which shall not be placed higher than two
inches from the ground; provided that barbed wire be tightly
stretched above the said woven wire fencing and securely at-
tached to the posts, as follows: Above woven wire fencing
thirty-two inches or more high shall be stretched and securely
fastened two or more strands of barbed wire, the first or bottom
strand of which shall not leave a space of more than four
inches between itself and the top of the woven wire fencing;
the second strand thereof shall not leave a space of more than
eight inches between itself and the first strand of barbed wire;
and above woven wire fencing not less than twenty-six nor more
than thirty-five inches shall be streached and securely fastened
not less than three strands of barbed wire, the first or bottom
of which shall not leave a space of more than four inches be-
tween itself and the top of the woven wire fencing, the second
strand of which shall not leave a space of more than eight inches
between itself and the first strand thereof, and the third strand
of which shall not leave a space of more than ten inches betwen-
itself and the second strand thereof.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 13th, 1914.
AN ACT to make valid and binding certain interest-bearing
notes of indebtedness heretofore issued by the County Com-
missioners of Dorchester County, and to add an additional
Section to Article 10 of the Code of Public Local Laws, title
"Dorchester County," sub-title "County Commissioners,
County Treasurer and Collectors," to be designated as Section
121-I, to follow immediately after Section 121-H, authorizing
the issue by the County Commissioners of Dorchester County
in their discretion of interest-bearing certificates.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That whereas the County Commissioners of Dorchester
County have heretofore issued interest-bearing notes of indebt-
edness of said County, which issue was not sanctioned by law;
therefore, be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
that all interest-bearing notes heretofore issued by the County
Commissioners of Dorchester County bearing interest from the
date of issue, be and they are hereby made valid and binding,