Statistics, it is necessary to appoint more than one deputy local
registrar in any registration district, the State Registrar shall
authorize and direct the Local Registrar of Vital Statistics to
designate and appoint as many additional competent persons to
act as deputy local registrar as the said State Registrar may deem
necessary. Each deputy local registrar appointed as herein pro-
vided shall accept the appointment in writing, and it shall be
his duty to act as local registrar in his stead in case of absence,
illness or disability, and when it is necessary in order to pro-
mote public convenience to do so, and who shall be subject
to all rules and regulations governing local registrars. No
local registrar or deputy local registrar shall issue any permit
for the disposition of any dead body excepting upon the presen-
tation of a proper and correct certificate of death, nor shall
he in any case issue a permit for the disposition of any body
already* interred, entombed, transported, removed, cremated
or in any other manner disposed of except as provided in this
Act. Each deputy local registrar shall, on the last day of each
month, transmit to the local registrar all certificates of birth
or death in his possession.
Every local registrar shall on or before the fifth day of each
month transmit to the State Registrar of Vital Statistics in
the envelopes furnished for that purpose the originals of all
certificates of birth or death remaining in his possession on
the last day of the month next preceding, and if there are no
such certificates of birth or death remaining in his possession
he shall immediately certify such fact to the State Registrar
in writing. The local registrar shall at the time of mailing
his returns to the State Registrar mail to the County Registrar
a copy of all certificates of birth or death certified as correct
under his hand and remaining in his possession on the last
day of the month next preceding.
Provided, that the State Registrar may in the event of un-
usual sickness or mortality or for the purpose of legal, legislative
or other inquiry, require of any local registrar returns at shorter
intervals. And provided that in case of births and deaths oc-
curring in the City of Baltimore the State Registrar shall not
require the return to him of the original certificates of births
and deaths, but only such transcripts, tables, figures and compi-
lations as may seem to him advisable or necessary.
It shall be the duty of all local registrars and deputy local
registrars to receive death certificates and issue burial permits
thereon, as hereinafter provided, and accept birth certificates