and shall note over his signature the date on which such cer-
tificate was filed and shall forward all certificates in his pos-
session as hereinbefore provided. And shall also perform all
the other duties of a local registrar provided in this Act.
No sexton or person in charge of any premises in which
interments are made shall inter or permit the interment or
other disposition of any body unless it is accompanied by a
burial permit, as provided in this Act. And each sexton or
person in charge of any burial ground shall indorse upon the
permit the date of interment, over his signature, and shall re-
turn all permits so indorsed to the local registrar of his district
within ten days from the date of interment. He shall also keep a
record of all interments made in the premises under his charge,
stating the name of the deceased person, place or death, date of
burial and name and address of the undertaker.
SEC. 10. Every County Registrar shall distribute to all
local and deputy local registrars and other persons within his
jurisdiction who, in his judgment, are likely to need them,
blank forms of certificates and returns, supplied to him by
the State Registrar of Vital Statistics; shall execute the pro-
visions of all local ordinances or regulations not contrary to
this Act that may be enacted to more effectually insure correct
registration of births and deaths; shall record in the books
furnished by the State Registrar of Vital Statistics such facts
as may be therein required; shall amend his records in red ink
over his signature as he may discover mistakes or omissions,
and shall immediately notify the State Registrar of Vital Sta-
tistics in writing of such amendments; shall, if possible, keep
such records in a fireproof safe. And on or before the fifteenth
of each month send to the State Registrar of Vital Statistics all
certified copies of births and deaths furnished to him by local
registrars within his county as provided in Section 8.
SEC. 11. No interment of the dead body of any human be-
ing, or disposition thereof by entombment, cremation, transpor-
tation, interment of any other manner or form of disposition
shall be made without a permit as aforesaid from the local regis-
trar or deputy local registrar of the district where said person
died, or otherwise than in accordance with such permit.
The certificate of death shall be filled out and signed by the
physician last in attendance upon the deceased person within
48 hours after death, excepting in such cases where the body
is viewed by the coroner and an inquest is held upon the same,