southeast of Chicago avenue to Philadelphia avenue, and thence
north along Philadelphia avenue to Chicago avenue; thence
southwest along Chicago avenue to the main tracks of the
Metropolitan Branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and
thence northwest along the cast side of the said main tracks to
the place of beginning.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That said County Com-
missioners shall have the power and authority in any year here-
after to levy a tax, and collect the same as other taxes in said
County are levied and collected, upon the real property em-
braced within said district of Silver Spring Park for the main-
tenance of the water mains and sewers which may have been
constructed as aforesaid, but not in excess of twenty (20)
cents on each hundred dollars of the County assessment
of such realty for such maintaining of water mains, and
twenty (20) cents on the hundred dollars of the County
assessment for maintenance of sewers, and said Commissioners
are charged with the duty of maintaining such water mains and
sewers and of protecting the same from tresspass and injury and
of making and enforcing regulations for tapping or connecting
with said water mains or sewers, and may provide for proper
rates and charges and fees for such connections and use and
for connecting the same and may require the installation of water
meters or any other basis for water rents, and no person shall be
permitted to make such connection without making a contract
to restore to its original condition any road, street or pavement
which may be disturbed in so doing.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That before contracting as
aforesaid for the construction of any such water mains or sewers,
the County Commissioners shall contract for a water supply to
be furnished and used through such water mains and with any
person, association or persons, firm, corporation or municipal
corporation, within or out of this State, for a period not to ex-
ceed six years, and shall have power to apply all or any part of
the rent, charges and fees herein provided for in payment for
such water supply and shall moreover contract as aforesaid
with respect to the disposal of sewage, and may make, any
sewer construction, for which special tax bills may not be made
as aforesaid, necessary for such disposal, and may use any por-
tion of said tax for maintenance of sewers in payment or pay-
ments for such contract for disposal or constructing such sewer
construction for disposal.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That said County Com-
missioners may accept and apply for the general purposes of this