less surrounding or about the property and land aforesaid,
namely a strip of land, one hundred and fifty feet deep, facing
on Bonifant street, and belonging to Shannon & Helen Thomp-
son and commencing near the intersection of Easly street and
Bonifant street, and extending to the Brookeville Turnpike,
also a strip of land, one hundred and fifty feet deep on the west
side of the Brookeville Turnpike and south of the line of the
Bonifant street, extended to the main tracks of the Metropoli-
tan Branch of the B. & O. Railroad Company, including the land
of said company, of the Blair estate and of Gist Blair, a strip of
land, one hundred and fifty feet deep facing on the south and
east side of Chicago avenue from the right of way of the Metro-
politan Branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad to Chesa-
peake avenue, except so much of said last mentioned strip of
land as may be included in Takoma Park, and a strip of land,
one hundred and fifty feet deep, facing the Blair Road between;
Chesapeake avenue and Mississippi avenue. The general boun-
dary of said District of Silver Spring Park shall be a line in-
cluding the aforesaid land or proportions and any other and all
land within the said boundary, whether referred to as above, or
not, said boundary beginning at the intersection of a line one
hundred and fifty feet west of the west side of the Brookeville
Turnpike and parallel thereto with the northeast side of the
main tracks of the Metropolitan Branch of the Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad and running northerly on said line and one hun-
dred and fifty feet west of the west side of the Brookeville Turn-
pike to a point of intersection in the land of Gist Blair with a
line running one hundred and fifty feet north of the north side
of Bonifant street, then with said line one hundred and fifty
feet north of the north side of Bonifant street and following the
direction of the same northeasterly, on the land of Helen
Thompson, and southeasterly, on the land of Shannon, to the
right of way into the places of Nolte and Bonifant; then south-
west to the northwest corner of the land occupied by Mrs. Boni-
fant; thence southeast along the line of the property occupied
by Mrs. Bonifant to Easly's sub-division of Silver Spring Park;
then northeast along the line of Easly's Sub-Division of Silver
Spring Park to the Schrider property, and then southwest gen-
erally along the west line of the Schrider property to the Blair
road; thence east along the Blair road to Mississippi avenue,
and thence southeast along Mississippi avenue to a point one
hundred and fifty feet southeast of the Blair Road along a line
one hundred and fifty feet south of Blair road to Chesapeake
avenue; then southeast along a line one hundred and fifty feet