ment, in the manner herein provided for the bringing of such
suits or other special tax bills.
Whenever any special tax bill issued heretofore, or hereafter
to be issued, shall be paid, it shall be entered satisfied on the
register and plats in the Treasurer's office, and the lien of any
bill so issued that is not entered satisfied within two years after
its maturity, unless proceedings in law shall have been com-
menced to collect the same within that time, and shall still be
pending, shall be destroyed and of no effect against the land
charged therewith; provided, however, that when bills are not
paid in installments, the lien thereof shall terminate within two
years after their date, unless such proceeding shall have been
commenced within that time and be still pending.
Special tax bills and the liens thereof shall be assignable.
Every transfer of special tax bills shall be registered in the office
of the County Treasurer, and no transfer thereof shall be valid
and effectual until it is so registered. Every transfer shall be in
writing, and witnessed by the Treasurer personally, or by one of
his deputies, duly acknowledged before a notary public, or other
officer authorized to take acknowledgments and in each trans-
fer there shall be designated the name of some bank or trust
company located in and doing business in said County, to
whom payment of the said tax bill, or any of the installments
thereof, or of any interest on any installment thereon, may be
made at or after maturity; and payment made to the designated
bank or trust company, shall be sufficient to procure the partial
or total entry of satisfaction of such bill, as the case may be, in
the office of the Treasurer on presentation to the Treasurer of
the tax bill duly receipted, by such designated bank or trust
company showing such payment.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That said District of Silver
Spring Park is defined as follows: To include the property covered
by and known as R. Holt Easly's Sub-Division of Silver Spring
Park and Easly's and Hill's Sub-Division of Silver Spring
Park, and the land of the Silver Spring National Bank, the land
of Waters, Mason, Matthews, Condiet, Woodbury Blair, Wood-
bury Blair, Trustee, and Gist Blair, and Gist Blair,
Trustee, and of Mary J. Blair; all of said mentioned
land, exclusive of said sub-divisions, being the land east of the
Metropolitan Branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad south
of the Blair Road and north and west of Chicago avenue, and
also including the following fringe or strip of land, more or