of said bill from setting up by way of defense, in reduction of
the amount of the same, that the work was not done in a good
and workmanlike manner, according to the class of work men-
tioned in the contract, and that such party, before the com-
mencement of the suit, tendered to the contractor a fair value
of such work done, and if he shall establish the same on trial
the recovery shall only be for the amount so tendered, and judg-
ment for costs shall be rendered against the plaintiff.
The County shall not be liable in any manner whatever for
or on account of any work done which is to be paid for by special
tax bills.
Provided, however, that every special tax bill authorized by
this Act to be levied or assessed for the construction or recon-
struction of such district or joint district water mains or sewers,
may be divided into installments, and when so divided shall not
be in less than three, nor more than seven, equal parts, as may
be provided by order of the County Commissioners or in the
contract for such work, payable and collectible as follows: The
first installment shall become due and payable thirty days after
notice of the issuance thereof, without interest; the second in-
stallment shall become due and payable one year after such no-
tice; the third installment, two years; the fourth installment,
three years; the fifth installment, four years; the sixth install-
ment, five years; the seventh installment, six years; after such
notice; provided, however, that the owner, or any person hav-
ing an interest in the property charged with the tax bills may
pay the same in full at any time within thirty days after notice
as aforesaid, without interest, and such owner or person having
an interest may pay such tax bills in full at any time by paying
interest thereon as follows: If paid at or before maturity and
more than thirty days after notice, as aforesaid, at the rate of
six per cent, per annum from the date of notice to the date of
payment; if paid after maturity, at. the rate of six per cent, per
annum from date of notice to date of maturity and at the rate
of eight per cent, per annum from date of maturity to date of
payment; all interest shall be payable annually from date of
notice of the issuance of tax bills. If any installment of any
such special tax bills, or any interest on any installment, be not
paid when due, then, at the option of the holder thereof, all re-
maining installments shall become due and collectible, together
with interest thereon as aforesaid. Suits may be brought to en-
force the payment of such special tax bill, or any installment
or installments thereof, with any interest due on any install-