1904, entitled "Public Education," as amended by Chapter
41 of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland of 1912.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 121 of Article 77 of the Code of Public
General Laws of Maryland of 1904, entitled "Public Educa-
tion," as amended by Chapter 41 of the Acts of the General
Assembly of Maryland of 1912, be and the same is hereby re-
pealed and re-enacted with amendments to read as follows.
121. For the encouragement of secondary education in
Maryland, the State shall extend aid to such groups of high
schools as shall be herein designated and described, and in such
amounts and in such manner as shall hereinafter be set forth.
All high schools of the Counties of the State of Maryland re-
ceiving State aid shall be arranged by the State Board of
Education into two groups, to be designated first group and
second group, according to the number of pupils enrolled,
teachers employed and years of instruction given. High schools
of the first group shall fulfill the following minimum require-
ments: (A) An enrollment of not less than eighty pupils;
(B) employ not less than four teachers for the regular high
school work, exclusive of instructors of special subjects named
under (E) ; (C) four years course of instruction of not less
than thirty-six weeks in each year, same to conform to the
standard required by the State Board of Education; (D) the
annual salary of the principal to be not less than $1,200, and
the salary of each assistant teacher regularly employed to be
not less than $500 per annum; (E) provision to be made for
manual training and domestic science courses, and also a com-
mercial or an agricultural course, as may be determined by
the Board of County School Commissioners. High schools of
the second group shall fulfill the following minimum require-
ments: (A) An enrollment of not less than thirty-five pupils;
(B) employ not less than two teachers for the regular high
school work, exclusive of instructors of special subjects named
under (E) ; (C) a three years course of instruction of not less
than thirty-six weeks in each year, same to conform to the
standard required by the State Board of Education; (D) the
annual salary of the principal to be not less than $1,000, and
that of each assistant to be not less than $500; (E) provision
to be made for a manual training or an agricultural or a com-
mercial course, as may be determined by the Board of County
School Commissioners, provided that no high school which ful-
fills the conditions under (B), (C), (D) and (E), and is now