the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore for
grading, paving and other taxes, levies and as-
sessments, which are constituted liens and in-
cumbrances on said real estate ; And whereas,
the interests of all persons now entitled to said
real estate and hereafter to be entitled thereto
under said will, will be greatly protected, bene-
fitted and enhanced by a sale of so much of said
real estate as may be necessary for the purpose
of paying such levies, assessments, taxes and
charges as aforesaid, or by a mortgage thereof for
raising by way of loan a sum of money sufficient
therefor; And whereas, a sale by the city au-
thority will greatly peril and impair the inter-
ests of all persons interested or to be interested
as aforesaid; Therefore,
SECTION 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That upon the application of any
one or more of the persons interested in the said
real estate by bill to the Superior Court of Balti-
more city, sitting as a court of equity, making par-
ties all such persons now in being as may be in-
terested in said real estate, either in possession,
remainder or reversion, whether said interest be
vested or contingent, and upon its appearing to
said court that it would be to the interest or ad-
vantage of all parties to the said suit that the said
real estate should be sold or mortgaged for the pay-
ment of the incumbrances aforesaid, the court shall
have jurisdiction in its discretion to pass a decree
for the sale or mortgage of said real estate, or so
much thereof as may be necessary to pay and satis-
fy the said incumbrances and all costs and ex-
penses incident thereof, the said sale or mortgage to
be made by a trustee or trustees to be appointed by
the said court. But no sale or mortgage as afore-
said shall be valid unless the same shall have been
reported to and approved by the said court.
Sale or mort-
gage author-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said court
shall have power from time to time to authorize its
trustee or trustees to lease said real estate or any
part or parts thereof for such terms, at such rents
and on such conditions as to the said court may ap-
pear just and reasonable.
Authority to
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the parties com-
plainant to the aforesaid proceeding, may at their
Right of In-
junction, &c.