250. An act to incorporate the town of Oakland, in Alle-
gany county, Maryland.
251. An act to empower the Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore, to levy and collect taxes on all property within
the corporate limits of the city of Baltimore, which is not
otherwise specially exempted from, taxation.
252. An act to prohibit the granting of licenses for the sale
of spirituous or fermented liquors, or lager beer, at or near
the village of Calverton, in Baltimore county.
253. An act to incorporate the German Reformed church,
of Manchester, Carroll county.
254. An act to regulate the inspection of wheat-flour, rye-
flour and corn-meal, in the city of Baltimore, and to prevent
fraud on purchasers.
255. An act to amend the ninth and tenth sections of the
eighteenth Article of the Code of Public General Laws, re-
lating to the Clerks of Courts, their accounts and payments
into the Treasury.
256. An act for the relief of Sarah A. Reynolds, formerly
Sarah A. Denny, of New Castle county, in the State of Dela-
ware, by authorising the Circuit Court for Cecil county to
direct a conveyance of certain real estate, lying and being in
Cecil county, Maryland, sold to her by John B. Rowan, Trus-
tee, and making certain docket entries of said court evidence.
257. An act appropriating a sum of money to pay the
claims of John de la Camp, R. V. Clayton, B. H. Spencer,
George Johnson, E. G. Hyde, Hayward, Bartlett & Co.,
Samuel Stewart, P. C. Clayton, J. H. Skinner, Noah Porter,
J. Wesley. White, H. A. Hager, John H. Longnecker, Ed-
win M. Shipley, G. M. Taylor, Larmour & Co., James Sheehy,
Thomas B. Dell and John Murphy & Co., T. Yates Walsh
and Hiss & Austin.
258. An act to incorporate the City Park Railway Com-
259. An act to repeal section ninety-five of Article one of
the Code of Public Local Laws, relating to Constables fees, in
Allegany county.
260. An act to make valid the election of the Committee
of the Presbyterian church in Snow Hill, in Worcester county,
and to regulate the election of said committee in future.
261. An act to allow Samuel L. Duhamel, Collector of
taxes for the First Election District of Queen Anne's county,
in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, further time to
complete his collections.
262. An act to amend the sixteenth and seventeenth sec-
tions of the twenty-ninth Article of the Code of Public Gene-