240. An act to- amend Article four of the Code of Public
Local Laws, relating to the city of Baltimore, by imposing
penalties for polluting the water in Swan Lake, the dam,
reservoirs, line of conduit, water-pipes, gate-house or other
works constructed or used in supplying the city of Baltimore
with water, or injuring, defacing or destroying the same.
241. An act for the protection of fish in all creeks and
streams of water, and their tributaries, in Frederick county.
242. An act to prohibit the issuing of any licenses for the
sale of spirituous or intoxicating drinks, within two miles of
the village of Brookville, Montgomery county, four miles of
Emory chapel, in said county, and within the limits of the
First Election District, in said county, and to amend section
forty-eight of Article fifteen of the Code of Public Local
Laws, relating thereto.
243. An act to amend the charter of the Hagerstown Bank,
as contained in the act, entitled, an act to continue the cor-
porate existence of the several banking institutions therein
mentioned, passed at January Session, eighteen hundred and
fifty-three, chapter four hundred and forty-one.
244. An act to pay George Jacobi and others, amounts due
them by the State.
245. An act for the relief of Levin S. H. Smith, of Wor-
cester county.
246. An act to authorize the Commissioners for Kent county,
to sell and convey to John S. Clayton and Samuel E. Clay-
ton, a certain part of the public landing on Morgan's creek,
and to condemn a portion of the bed and waters of said creek,
for their use.
247. An act to incorporate Trustees for the benefit of the
Methodist Episcopal church, on Kent Circuit, and to receive
a conveyance of real estate.
248. An act to authorize the Armorer at Frederick city, to
contract for the altering and repairing Flint Lock Muskets
belonging to the State of Maryland, now in possession of the
several Captains, in Frederick county.
249. An act to amend an act, passed at a special Session of
the General Assembly, held the twenty-sixth day of April,
eighteen hundred and sixty-one, chapter seventeen," entitled,
an act to repeal the nineteenth section of the twenty-ninth
Article of the Code of Public General Laws, and the proviso
of the thirty-third section of the fifth Article of the said Code,
relating 10 the Stay of Execution, and to extend the time for
enforcing the execution of Judgments ; by providing for a
qualified extension of said act beyond its present duration, on
the conditions in this bill expressed.