Crawford, collector of the State taxes in the second collection
district of Howard District, for the years eighteen hundred
and forty-five and eighteen hundred and forty-six.
205. An act to allow Alexander Woolford, of Dorchester
county, further time to execute his official bond.
206. An act appropriating a sum of money to pay Elenora
B. Watkins, widow of the late Colonel Gassaway Watkins, a
Captain in the American Revolution, on account of pension
money due and unpaid from the sixteenth of July, eighteen
hundred and forty, to the first day of January, eighteen hun-
dred and fifty-two.
207. An act to authorize the Burgess and Commissioners
of Emmittsburg, to levy additional taxes for the purpose of
making an artificial road of stone or sand in the streets of said
208. An act to repeal the first, second, and seventh sections
of Article fifty-two, of the Public General Laws, relating to
the Keeper of Chancery Records, and to enact the following as
a substitute therefor.
209. An act for the benefit of William. J. Emory, the legal
representative of Anne L. Emory, late of Queen Anne's coun-
ty, deceased.
210. An act to compensate the members of the Peace Con-
ference, appointed by the Executive of the State, to represent
Maryland at Washington, during the winter of eighteen hun-
dred and sixty-one.
211. An to make valid the sale of articles, belonging to the
State, made by Edwin M. Shipley, State Librarian, in Fre-
derick, November the fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one.
212. An act to refund to Rebecca T. Neill a certain sum of
money, therein named, paid by her for composition on a Pa-
tent granted to her for certain lands in Baltimore county.
213. An act for the relief of Robert Clark, one of the sure-
ties on the, official bonds of Thomas C. Lyles and William
Lyles (of Thomas) former collectors of Prince George's county.
214. An act to repeal sections one hundred and eighteen,
one hundred and nineteen, one hundred and twenty-one, one
hundred aud twenty-two, one hundred and twenty-three, one
hundred and twenty-four, one hundred and twenty-five, one
hundred and twenty-six, one hundred and twenty-seven, one
hundred and twenty-eight, one hundred and twenty-nine, one
hundred and thirty, one hundred and thirty-one, one hundred
and thirty-two, and one hundred and thirty-three, of Article
twelve, of the Code of Public Local Laws, under the title of