born, Louis F. Gootee, Whitney, Gushing and Company,
Baltimore City Passenger Railway Company, John W. Da-
vis, N. R. Merryman, Thomas McGlannan, William. Dadds,
and Paul Martin.
193. An act to authorize the Circuit Court for Baltimore
county, to pass a decree expowering the guardian of the heirs
of Joseph Pearson, Junior, late of Baltimore county, deceased,
to execute a mortgage for the relief of said heirs.
194. An act to allow Alexander Barker, former collector of
State and county taxes for the third collection District of
Calvert county, further time to complete his collections.
195. An act to change the name of William Clark Funk,
of Washington county, to that of George Smith.
196. An act to authorize the Circuit Court for Worcester
county, in Equity, to confirm a sale made by Walter P.
Snow, Trustee.
197. An act to allow Wm. Parker, late collector of State
and county taxes in the first election District of Kent county,
for the years eighteen hundred and fifty-six and seven, fur-
ther time to complete his collections.
198. An act to authorize and empower the Judge of the
Circuit Court, for Carroll county, sitting as a Court of Equity,
to pass a decree for the sale of the lands and premises of
which Ferdinand Diffenbach, late of Carroll county, died
seized and possessed.
199. An act to amend section three hundred and fifty-four,
of Article four, of the Code of Public Local Laws, for the city
of Baltimore, relating to Gangers of Casks and Inspectors of
Domestic Distilled Liquors.
200. An act to compensate William Segafoose, late Sheriff
of Carroll county, for services rendered under a requisition of
the Governor.
201. An act to amend the fifteenth section of Article nine-
ty, of the Code of Public General Laws, relating to Super-
visors of Roads.
202. An act to allow Robert Bell, late Sheriff and collector
of State and county taxes for Dorchester county, further time
to complete his collections.
203. An act to amend sections one hundred and forty-two,
one hundred and forty-six, one hundred and forty-nine, and
one hundred and fifty-one, of Article one, of the Code of Pub-
lic Local Laws for Allegany county, relating to Schools in
said county.
204. An act for the relief of the securities of William H.