79. An act to make valid an instrument of writing from
George P. Leatherbury and Virginia Leatherbury, his wife.
80. An act to amend the law relating to indictments, by
adding to the thirtieth Article of the Code of Public General
Laws, the following sections, relating to indictments for forg-
ing or altering forged instruments, and for false pretenses,
and to the description of instruments in any indictment, so
as to promote the ends of justice that cases may be tried on
their merits.
81. An act to appropriate a sum of money for the payment
of Thomas J. Lee, George Winthrop and Levin T. H. Irving,
for services rendered by them, as Commissioners to run and
define the boundary line between Dorchester and Somerset
82. An act to amend the thirtieth Article of the Code of
Public General Laws, so far as the same relates to forging
bank notes, and passing forged bank notes, by repealing the
twenty-ninth and thirtieth sections of said Article, and
enacting in lieu thereof the sections herein following.
83. An act to authorize the Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore, to assessed collect water-rents, and water tax, to
supply water on the line of their water works, and to protect
said water-works from injury.
84. An act to add a section to Article nine of the Public
Local Laws of this State, relating to schools, providing for
the disbursement of the fund applicable to the Primary
Schools of Charles county.
85. An act to authorize Hester Twilley and Dewitt C.
Handley, administrators, with the will annexed, of James D.
Twilley, late of Dorchester county, deceased, to cut and sell
wood and timber from the lands belonging to the estate of
said deceased, for the purpose of paying the debts thereof.
86. An act to amend an act, entitled, a supplement to an
act to authorize a Lottery, to raise a sum of money to make a
turnpike road, from the town of Westminster, in Carroll
county, through Taneytown, in said county, and through
Emmittsburg, in Frederick county, to the Pennsylvania line,
passed at December Session, eighteen hundred and forty-six,
chapter two hundred and forty-two.
87. An act to make valid a deed from Joseph Tremble and
William C. Haveland, Trustees to Rebecca Smith.