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Session Laws, 1862
Volume 532, Page 348   View pdf image (33K)
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all contracts hereafter made, a bushel of either of
said articles shall be determined by the said weights
respectively, unless the parties to any such con-
tract shall otherwise expressly stipulate.

Failure to pay
for grain — lia-
bility of pur-
chaser, &c.

Sub-Section 5. If any grain inspected and weighed
or measured as aforesaid, shall be delivered to the
purchaser thereof, and such purchaser shall there-
upon refuse or neglect forthwith to pay for the
same, according to the terms of said sale, the per-
son to whom the grain had belonged, or any agent
of his, may sue out a writ of replevin and seize
the grain so sold, or any other property belonging
to such purchaser, and after one day's notice, to be
published in one of the newspapers in the city of
Baltimore, may sell the same for cash at public
sale and receive the proceeds thereof, and if such
sale does not produce the amount of the purchase
money due on the original sale, with ten per
centum added thereto, and all costs attending the
seizure and sale ; the original purchaser shall be
liable for any balance, to be recovered as any other
debt, and the price agreed to be paid for such
grain, shall be a lien on the same into whosoever
hand or possession the same may come, except in
the hands of a bona-fide purchaser, without notice,
and the commission merchant or other agent of the
former owner, or owners, may have such replevin
in the name of such commission merchant, or other
agent, and in case the sales should amount to more
than the purchase money, costs and damages afore-
said, said surplus or balance of sales shall belong
to said buyer.

Provision for
adjustment of

Sub-Section 6. The amount to be so paid under
the warrant of the Comptroller by the Treasurer,
to the said Inspector General and Inspectors, and
for any other expenses which may accrue under
this act, shall not exceed the amount of money to
the credit of the Grain Inspection Fund, as pro-
vided by law, and if there shall not be in the Trea-
sury, to the credit of said Grain Inspection Fund,
a sufficient sum, after paying the expenses incurred
under this, act, to pay in full the said salaries of
of the said Inspector General and Inspectors, then
a ratable deduction shall be made between the said
Inspector General and said Inspectors.

In force.

Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from its passage.

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Session Laws, 1862
Volume 532, Page 348   View pdf image (33K)
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