AN ACT to incorporate the Trustees of the
Methodist Episcopal Church at Elkton.
Passed March
10, 1862.
WHEREAS, By the deed duly executed on the
twenty-first day of September, in the year eigh-
teen hundred and fifty-nine, by Martha A. Tor-
bert and James Torbert, a certain lot of ground
in the town of Elkton, Cecil county, was con-
veyed to William Torbert, Fredus Aldridge,
Thomas C. Crouch, Andrew Alexander, Francis
A. Ellis, Edwin Wilmer, and William H.
Eder, in trust that they should erect or cause to
be erected thereon a Church or house of wor-
ship for the use of the members of the Metho-
dist Episcopal Church, of the United States,
subject to certain restrictions and reservations
in said deed mentioned ; and whereas, since the
execution of the said deed, the said Edwin Wil-
mer has removed from the said town of Elkton,
and has designed his position as one of the said
Trustees, and William J. Jones has been elect-
ed a Trustee in his stead according to the mode
prescribed in said deed ; and whereas, the said
Trustees finding it necessary, to the proper ex-
ecution of their said trust, that they should
have corporate powers, have petitioned the Gen-
eral Assembly to confer such powers upon them;
now, therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the said William Torbert, Fre-
dus Aldridge, Thomas C. Church, Andrew Alex-
ander, Francis A. Ellis, William J. Jones, and
William H. Eder, and their successors, chosen as
hereinafter provided for, shall be and are hereby
created a body corporate and politic by the name,
style and title of the Trustees of the Methodist Epis-
copal Church, in Elkton, and by the same name shall
have perpetual succession, to have, hold, enjoy, and
be seized and possessed of real and personal and
mixed estate; to sue und be sued, implead and
be impleaded in any Court of Law or Equity in
this State or elsewhere; to make and have a com-
mon seal, and the same to break, alter or renew
at pleasure, and also to do all such other acts and