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Session Laws, 1862
Volume 532, Page 347   View pdf image (33K)
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Sub-Section 2. The said Inspector shall carefully
weigh one bushel in every sixty of wheat, and one
bushel in every one hundred of corn, rye and oats,
for the purpose of ascertaining the average weight
of the cargo, or parcel of grain, and that in weigh-
ing grain sold, it shall not be necessary to measure
sixty bushels of wheat, or one hundred bushels of
other grain, before taking a draft for weighing ;
but it shall be the privilege of either party, at any
stage of the delivery of the grain, to require that
any intermediate draft shall be weighed, and if
each party shall have caused an intermediate draft
to be weighed, the average weight of the two
drafts shall be taken as the accurate weight of the
said sixty, or one hundred bushels, as the case may
be, and in case only one of the parties shall re-
quire an intermediate draft to be weighed, then
the average weight of said intermediate draft, and
the Inspector's draft shall be taken as the weight

Mode of in-
specting grain-

of said sixty, or one hundred bushels, as the case
may be ; provided, that nothing herein contained
shall require grain to be inspected, but that it
shall be optional with the seller to have his grain
inspected or not, under the law, as he may desire.


Sub-Section 3. In case of a refusal of the pur-
chaser to accept grain after the decision of the In-
spector General, as provided for in section three
hundred and seventy-nine and three hundred and
eighty of Article four of Code of Public Local Laws,
double the damage with ten per centum added
thereto, may be recovered before a Justice of the
Peace, the Court of Common Pleas, or the Superior
Court of Baltimore city, according as the amount
sued for may correspond with their jurisdiction,
that the said suits shall be heard and tried within
five days after bringing said suit before a Justice
of the Peace, and at the first term of the said
courts, and in the Court of Appeals at the first
term, if appeal be taken.

Refusal to ac-
cept grain
after inspec-
tion; damages.

Sub-Section 4. The term grain used in this Ar-
ticle, shall be construed to mean wheat, rye, oats,
corn, buckwheat and barley, and that the standard
weight of wheat shall be sixty pounds to the
bushel ; rye and corn each, fifty-six pounds to the
bushel; and oats, thirty pounds to the bushel;
buckwheat, forty-eight pounds to the bushel ; and
barley, forty-seven pounds to the bushel ; and in


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Session Laws, 1862
Volume 532, Page 347   View pdf image (33K)
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