required to
make daily re-
turn of grain
387. Each Inspector shall make a daily return,
to the Inspector General, of the number of bushels
of grain inspected and weighed by him, and the
Inspector General shall make, or cause to be made,
an entry of the same in a well bound book, show-
ing the number of bushels weighed and measured
for each person, and the said Inspector General
shall charge and receive one-fourth cent per bushel
for weighing and inspecting, and shall charge one-
fourth cent per bushel for measuring, said one-
fourth cent per bushel for measuring shall be paid
by the seller to the measurer, and the first, named
aforesaid one-fourth cent per bushel for weighing
and inspecting, shall be paid by the purchaser to
the Inspector General.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That section three
hundred and eighty-eight of said Article, be re-
pealed, and the following section enacted in lieu
Inspector Gen-
eral required
to make to the
monthly re-
388. The Inspector General shall make return
on the first day of every month, or within ten days
thereafter, to the Comptroller, verified by affidavit
before some Justice of the Peace, of the number
of bushels of grain weighed and inspected, and
the amount of money received therefor, and shall
pay the amount thereof, after deducting necessary
office rent, and the payment of the wages of not
more than two Clerks, of a salary of not more
than six hundred dollars per annum for each, to
the Treasurer upon the warrant of the Comp-
Sec. 3. Be it enacted, That section three hun-
dred and eighty-nine of said Article be repealed,
and the following section enacted in lieu thereof.
389. The Treasurer upon the warrant of the
Comptroller, shall allow and pay over to the In-
spector General and the other Inspectors, one-
fourth cent per bushel upon all grain, inspected
and weighed by them ; provided, the same shall
not amount to more than two thousand dollars in
the aggregate for any one year, for the Inspector
General, and the sum of sixteen hundred dollars
for each Inspector, it being intended hereby not
to pay said officers, in gross, more than two thou-
sand dollars to the Inspector General , and sixteen
hundred dollars to each assistant.