be prescribed or allowed by law in relation to the
issues of Banks generally in this State.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That notices for elec-
tions, of Directors and for general meetings of
Stockholders of said Bank, shall be sufficient, if
published in such newspaper as may be published
in Williamsport, in one newspaper published in
Hagerstown, and in one newspaper published in
the city of Baltimore.
General meet-
ings of stock-
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the said Bank
shall have the power, and it is hereby authorized to
deal, besides the things already provided in said
act of incorporation or make investments in the
stock of the State of Maryland or of the city of
Baltimore, or any other public stocks of the State
of Maryland, or any solvent State of the United
States, paying at least six per cent, interest quar-
terly or semi-annually.
Bank autho-
rized to invest
in stocks, &c.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted. That the number of
Directors in said Bank for the management of the
same and its said office of Discount and Deposit,
shall be eleven, who shall reside in Washington
county ; but said number may at any time, and
whenever the President and Directors shall deem
it expedient, and shall so order and direct, be in-
creased by the addition of three whose residences
shall be in any other county or counties of this
State, or of either, or both of the adjoining States
of Virginia and Pennsylvania, from which the in-
terests of the Bank may from time to time require
them to be chosen.
Directors, &c.
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That the Stockhol-
ders and Directors of said Bank shall be liable to
the amount of their respective shares of stock in
said Bank for all the debts and liabilities of said
Bank upon note, bill or otherwise, and to be crea-
ted or incurred after this act shall have gone into
operation and under the same.
Liability of
and Directors.
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That no Director or
other officer of said Bank shall borrow any money
from said corporation; and in case of the violation
of this section, directly or indirectly, by any Di-
rector or other officer of said Bank, and he shall
thereof be convicted, upon indictment, he shall be
punished for the same by fine or imprisonment at
the discretion of the court.
Directors not
to borrow mo-
ney from the