January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, shall
be due on that part of the said debt, which may
constitute the Sinking Fund of the State, shall be
applied by the Treasurer to the purchase of such
stock or bonds of the State for the increase of the
said Fund as now directed by law ; to the pay-
ment of the interest falling due on the first day of
July, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and on the
first day or January in the year eighteen hun-
dred and sixty-three, on the bonds or certificates
of the debt of the Annapolis and Elkridge Rail-
road Company, issued in pursuance of chapter
one hundred and sixty -eight, of eighteen hun-
dred and forty-one, and to the payment of so
much of the principal of said bonds or certifi-
cates of debt as is directed to be paid by the said
act, seven thousand dollars, provided, however,
that only so much thereof shall be so applied
as may be equal to the nett profits of the said An-
napolis and Elkridge Railroad Company, and the
profits which this State shall or may have derived
from the use of the Annapolis and Elkridge Rail-
road, in connection with the Washington Branch
of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and which
profits shall or may have been paid into the
Treasury, as required by the aforesaid act of eigh-
teen hundred and forty-one, chapter one hundred
and sixty-eight ; to the holder or holders of cou-
pons or certificates of interest in arrears, which are
not funded under the provisions of chapter two
hundred and thirty-eight, of eighteen hundred
and forty-six, five thousand dollars.
To the Night Watchmen of Public Buildings,
four hundred and twenty dollars each, making
eight hundred and. forty dollars; to the person
employed to take care of the Public Buildings and
Grounds, three hundred and sixty dollars ; to pay
the person employed by the Clerk of the Court of
Appeals, for keeping the Court-room clean, the
sum of five dollars per month, sixty dollars ; to
the Keeper of the Steam House, and of the Fur-
nace of the Record Buildings, four hundred and
twenty dollars; to his assistant, three hundred
and sixty dollars ; for filing and recording laws
and resolutions of this Session, and the special
Sums appro-